Skin cancer patients throughout Fox Valley have trusted Surgical Associates with vital medical procedures because they trust their surgeon’s expertise. They appreciate the warm and friendly staff that helps them focus on recovery while the admin staff sorts out details like insurance. And most importantly, they appreciate the commitment the team has to fulfilling their health goals.

Types of Skin Cancer We Treat:

Melanoma: Malignant melanoma is a type of skin cancer that requires wide excision to minimize risk of recurrence. The extent of the resection depends on the depth of the melanoma. Deeper melanomas may also require sampling of the lymph nodes to assess spread. This is achieved with a procedure called a sentinel lymph node biopsy. This is performed in the day surgery setting. Our surgeons are very experienced with sentinel lymph node biopsy in the setting of melanoma.

Basal Cell and Squamous Cell Carcinoma: These types of skin cancer can usually be treated with local excision. This can often be performed in the office, using local anesthetic.

Insurance Taken

We accept most Medicare, Medicaid, and commercial insurance plans

Schedule a Consultation

To learn more about skin cancer treatment options at Surgical Associates of Neenah, give us a call at 920-725-4527 or submit a contact form.